We are not too late, we can still turn everything around!
Opinion from the Internet about Humanity’s chances to turn the seemingly inevitable march towards self-destruction around:
“A very good understanding and explanation. However, I believe it is too late, for global warming has outrun our ability to change.
However, there is the possibility that the upheaval caused by the virus and, ironically, by certain politicians, could shake up humanity to the point real change becomes possible.
The instinct for dealing with the fears of existence and death create wishful rather than realistic thinking. My age is such that I will not see the outcome.”
Contrary to our popular belief, contrary to our blind faith in our own Human intellect and ability, we have always been integral parts of Nature’s fully interconnected system. And as such we do not have free choice in changing, replacing, reinventing, destroying things as we like.
On the other hand, we are supposed to become the “Crown of Evolution”, the qualitatively highest-level beings in Nature as we are the only parts of Nature that can achieve integration, partnership with the system consciously, purposefully, methodically. This can happen if we humbly accept our place in Nature’s integral system, according to how the deterministic plan of evolution defines it — which we can research and implement.
This also means that despite our seemingly insignificant size compared to Nature’s vast system, we have the greatest influence over everything. At the moment this influence is destructive.
The moment we changed course — through the right, purposeful and practical educational, scientific method — we could turn this negative, destructive influence to a positive, constructive one.
And that happens even if a small, “critical mass” starts the changes, which means we could see drastic, positive changes within months, few years.
Everything depends on having enough people with open eyes, recognizing our own egocentric, subjective, and exploitative behavior, the attitude behind all the problems we are encountering. Then if such people willingly agree to change themselves instead of trying to change the world, change others, we will start the necessary, positive transition.