We are not alone
Question from the Internet:
“Why humans can’t just accept that they aren’t alone? Eliminating fear of the unknown is the first step to further advancement as a civilization”
I am not sure what you mean by “not being alone”, but I fully agree with you that the solution to all our problems is the understanding that we are not isolated, individual beings, but we are all integral parts of a single Humanity.
We are all but individual cells of a single, mutually integrated, living Human “superorganism” that is also a fully integrated part of Nature’s living system.
It is only our inherently misguided, blinded, subjective and egocentric consciousness and perception of reality that paints us the picture of a world that is full of billions of warring, conflicting, ruthlessly competing, seemingly incompatible individuals that are steadily marching towards a seemingly inevitable self-destruction.
We can gradually awaken ourselves from this nightmare, from this tragic misunderstanding until we come to see a perfect reality, where we are all constantly, positively integrated with each other through mutually responsible and mutually complementing co-existence and cooperation.
This is not some utopia, it is not mysticism or religion. We have the actual, realistic ability to further develop, fine-tune and upgrade our inherent consciousness and perception of reality by building new sensory and intellectual abilities through special, purposeful and mutual connections and cooperation between us.
Then we can generate and sustain a unique, unprecedented “collective consciousness” similarly to how the myriads of cells and organs in our biological body comprise the consciousness and perception we identify ourselves with today. Together we can come to identify with a qualitatively much higher, much more able “collective consciousness” and “quantum perception” — above the inherently subjective, egocentric limitations of time, space and physical motion — through our mutual connections here and now.