We are in a Global Crisis!
The US is not doing very well right now. So understandably many Americans are very much focusing on their own misery, trying to find those responsible for it, completely forgetting about the rest of the world.
To a certain extent, it is understandable. America is a great nation, that is used to view itself as the sole engine of development, business, financial and cultural influence, most important decision-maker of the world for decades, especially since the Cod, War ended.
So I understand why most Americans look at the present situation, events solely from a solely American viewpoint.
But we are not in an American crisis, we are in a global crisis.
And this crisis is not caused by the virus but it started a long time ago, even before Obama was President, and regardless of Obama or anybody else it has been becoming worse. We are in a crisis because we have been building, existing in a Human system — mostly driven by the US — that is unsustainable.
The excessive overproduction, overconsumption system that focuses only on material wealth, profit and success at each other’s expense, exploiting everything and everybody for selfish benefit has no right to exist in a Natural system that survives, develops through a fragile balance and homeostasis Nature’s iron laws sustain.
Neither Biden, nor Obama, not even Reagan could fix the present problems in America or anywhere else, as the problem is global, and because we all need to go through unprecedented changes, when we all start changing ourselves, how we relate to others an the world, and we do not want to blame, change others around us.
We have all been building this artificial, “cancer-like”, excessive, exploitative “Matrix” that is now self-destructing all over the world regardless of nationality, culture, governing, economic system, or leadership.
The only way to solve the global problems (and there are no non-global problems any longer) is building unprecedented mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation, decision making above the vast differences, despite the irrepressible mutual distrust, animosity.
That is possible only through a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method we all have to go through — willingly, without coercion, without misleading propaganda — by understanding that our collective survival depends on it.