We are heading for a “great reset”
Question from the Internet:
“Will the people of the world wake up and be able to stop the Great reset before it is established?”
I am not sure what you mean by “great reset”, but in truth we are heading towards a “great reset” by nature’s evolution, sooner or later discarding humanity as a failed experiment unless we change track.
Humanity was supposed to become the “peak of evolution” by researching and attaining a unique, unparalleled evolutionary goal in nature’s system. We are supposed to snap out of a completely blind, instinctive development that is driven by our selfish, hateful, and exploitative egos, in order to learn — above and against our original nature — nature’s modus operandi, which is totally selfless and altruistic.
Then in the contrast of the two, we could acquire an unprecedented, complete, objective view of natural reality, becoming the system’s inner observer and benevolent partners.
If we do not start this process soon, using nature’s selfless, altruistic qualities to neutralize, harness, channel the power of our egos, we will “fail evolution” and self-destruct like cancer within this generation.