We are born for ruthless competition, war, we need to learn peace
Question from the Internet:
“Why has it been so difficult for humanity to live and interrelate with one another in peace?”
Because our inherent nature is against peace.
Our inher self-serving, self-justifying, fiercely and proudly individualistic ego drives us towards ruthless competition, success and survival at the expense of others.
It doesn’t matter what we think about ourselves, whether we are aware of the true desires, intentions, motivations making us to want, think and act, we are instinctively incapable of peace — which is a unique, selfless, unconditionally accepting, serving connection to others above and against our inherent nature.
So in order to become able to create peace, first we have to recognize, accept our inherent nature and then learn through a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method to build positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconections, cooperation above our egotistic, selfish instincts that we cannot suppress or erase.
As long as we believe blindly that we are capable of good connections, that we are capable of accepting even serving others without such a great preparation, without fundamentally changing, upgrading ourselves (instead of correcting, changing, coercing others), we just fool ourselves and sink into even greater crisis, conflicts and wars.