We are all members of the global community!

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readJan 25, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Do you belong to the global community today? Why or why not?”

I am “afraid", we don’t have any free choice about this. We are part of the global community whether we want it or not, whether we consent to it or not.

Humanity is a single species in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system, and from Nature’s point of view Humanity is a single “super-organism" we are all individual cells of.

It is only from our own point of view, that we are born with a sort of amnesia, sensing ourselves as independent, standalone individuals, who could “as if" do whatever they want, can make decision on their own regardless of the state of the whole system.

This “Human amnesia” was purposeful by evolution, giving us free choice, a conscious ability to awaken ourselves to our real state — tangibly, consciously feeling our total, mutual integration, absolute interdependence.

Of course our proud, misguided, individualistic ego fights this notion, trying to prove its independent ability, power. So we need to awaken ourselves to our mutual integration, inevitable interdependence above, against the ego.

And this developing, increasing contrast, duality between the selfish, subjective, individualistic ego and the new integral consciousness, perception will give us an unprecedented, realistic insight into Nature’s perfect system, becoming Nature’s only integrated — still independent — observers, witnesses, partners.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.