We are all locked into a tiny, distorted and limited egocentric and subjective bubbles
Question from the Internet:
“Why do people seldom seem interested in anything beyond the little speck of dust that is planet earth? And why does hardly anyone have superpowers, yet many talks about our infinite potential?”
Most people are not interested beyond the little speck of their own egocentric and subjective bubbles. And even those who are interested in the “bigger and wider” picture do so only to benefit themselves and get from the world whatever suits their egocentric and subjective plans and aspirations.
Most of us could not care less if a tsunami or inferno already decimates people in the same street we live in, as long as we are still not affected.
If we needed any proof of how ignorant and self-obsessed we all are, we could observe it very sharply and live through the pandemic or through the effects of climate change, inflation, socio-economic collapse and wars going on.
We are all living the life of single-cell organisms, completely ignoring the fact that we are totally integrated and interdependent. And since we survive and succeed at each other’s expense — knowingly or unknowingly — we are not only “single cells” but cancer cells of the same living organism.
And since we are going against our actual, Natural conditions — that is, mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation — we do not have superpowers, as we started to see, we do not have any powers. We are desperately helpless in comprehending the global problems that threaten our existence, and everything we ever built is slipping through our fingers like sand as we speak.
On the other hand, if we could learn and implement how to become healthy individual cells of the same, mutually responsible and mutually complementing living organism, we could acquire collective powers and abilities — we could never even dream about.