We are all equal in our Human purpose

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readNov 15, 2020

Question from the internet:

“Imagine you must design a society where everyone is equal. This may mean equal in wealth, equal in education, and equal in opportunity, but it is up to you to decide what “equal” means?”

It is a very important question for our generation.

We will have to find some “equality”, something we can all connect around, we feel the same, equal in. Only then can we create positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections without which we won’t be able to survive in Nature’s fully integrated system.

But we won’t be able to force on people equality in wealth, education, opportunity of even social status. We are all very different with very diverse genetic inheritance, upbringing, education, physical and mental abilities, physical conditions, nationality, culture, and so on.

So in what could we become equal, what can unite us?!

We are all Human beings, we are all equally important elements, cells of our species which species we can imagine as a single “body”, “organism”. And actually this is the truth, this is how Nature’s system relates to us, to a single Human entity.

We are equal in our Human purpose, to help Humanity’s integration into Nature’s fully integrated system, so we can safeguard our collective survival and become Nature’s conscious, mutually complementing partners, the only species which can do this consciously, in full awareness.

In this we all have the same, equal importance, and reaching the perfect, mutually responsible, mutually complementing Human mosaic - that integrates into Nature - is impossible without each and every Human being fulfilling their own, unique, irreplaceable role in the Human mosaic.

It doesn’t matter what else one fulfills - which depends on the many different factors listed above - but from their own side, viewpoint each person can perform their own unique role most optimally, while receiving justly, precisely, proportionally exactly what they need and deserve for their contribution.

Thus we will have to find our equality in our collective, mutual Human purpose in Nature’s system, evolutionary plan. Additionally only by finding and fulfilling our unique “cogwheel” role can we attain, justify who we individually actually are, what “being Human” actually means.

And this is possible through a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method which teaches equality according to Nature’s laws of integration, NOT according to Human ideology, psychology of religion.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.