We all have to accept our total, mutual responsibility — as Nature demands it from us!
Question from the Internet:
“Do you think that people can rely on governments for global food security?”
Well, this is a big question. But as the global, socio-economic crisis will evolve and billions of people will become unemployed and most will struggle to cater for their basic necessities, governments will have no choice, but to act accordingly.
As the general frustration, trouble to survive day to day grows and more and more people will have nothing to lose, either government will understand their absolute responsibility for their people — by introducing UBI, fair food distribution, providing shelter and basic health service to all — or they will be wiped out by the tsunami of fury.
The other option of course is the usual “historic solution” of inciting wars with other nations to shift the focus from their own inadequate leadership and to reduce the population. But war also can’t save these governments.
In our global, integrated time war cannot be “controlled”, contained, it will burn all of us as the pandemic did and still does.
Thus governments either learn their absolute responsibility, “public service” towards their people instead of the self-service and complete ignorance they acted by, showcased so far, or they will simply disappear.
We all have to learn a completely new way of life that is built on absolute mutual responsibility and scaling down to natural necessities and available resources distributed in a fair, balanced way.
This is what Nature’s laws of integration demand so it does not matter what political ideology, religion, culture, or philosophy we believe in. Nature is an impartial, ruthless judge. Either we keep its laws or not, so either we succeed or we fail and at the end perish.