Using despair constructively and positively
Question from the Internet:
“Why is it important for us to evaluate our limitations? Do you think it will help us to transcend?”
Evaluating our limitations, and tangibly sensing our boundaries is extremely important. While it is an unpleasant sensation that we have reached the limit of our abilities and perhaps we realize that we have absolutely no chance of reaching a goal, or purpose we really wanted to reach, we gain very useful and valuable insight and experience.
When we reach that impenetrable wall beyond which we cannot go due to the lack of our abilities, we can make a decision.
We can decide to retreat and turn away from the previously set and desired goal or purpose and try something else. Or, we can try to acquire new abilities and qualities by joining forces with others or going even further.
We can actually tap into forces and resources we haven’t known or tried so far. Nature’s system is governed by a singular force-field that sustains the general balance and homeostasis that life depends on, and this force-field also drives evolution.
We can learn how to harness and use this force-field in order to change and further develop ourselves and acquire abilities and forces we never had in us, to begin with. The only condition for harnessing and using this unique, all-encompassing and all-powerful force is to agree with its direction and learn and accept the role and function of this force and its evolutionary plan determined for us.
If we do so, we can become mutual partners with Nature’s singular governing and developmental force, constantly upgrading ourselves until we become like that force, overseeing and controlling the whole Natural system in our hands.