Upgrading our outlook, vision
An opinion from the internet about avoiding wars, conflicts by getting to know each other:
“I think it is possible to avoid the present hostilities, conflicts, wars by getting to know each other beyond the fake news, distorted reporting, purposeful incitement we are brainwashed by all around the globe.”
I agree with you. The only way to rise above the hate sown against others in the world, the only way to overcome our instinctive distrust, animosity feel towards “others” who are different from us is to get to know each other, to try to see reality through the desires, needs, viewpoints of others.
It is not as easy as it sounds as the instinctive resistance of our inherently self-justifying, subjective nature is very strong. But with the right upbringing, education, and appropriate social influence, we can achieve this new state of being: purposefully, methodically trying to experience reality through others.
This is not simply a way to avoid wars.
Imagine the exponential increase in scope, resolution regarding what we can see, taste, attain by changing an inherently narrow, egocentric, subjective vision to a multi-angled, “holographic” vision?!