Unique individuals in a fully integrated, interdependent society
Opinion from the Internet about our individual uniqueness and society:
“I was once told or remember someone saying, we know more at birth than we do going into adulthood as it is society that teaches us what we should remember throughout our lives. instead of all we truly know we are conditioned on what to forget. As we for the most part learn by example of others is it no wonder we have become such a mess? We are also thwarted when we act as the unique individuals we were meant to be. Some one got the terms of working together mixed up with conformity. There is a very good reason for non conformity, we are all here to carry out our own unique and individual parts in life toward the best existence for the whole. The sun does not act like the moon and the moon doesn’t act like a planet. Nor would we expect them to or they would not be what they are. If power corrupts it is because it dwelled within already. Power just gives legs to what is already trying to run.”
You are right, we are all unique individuals, with unique roles, purposes in life.
We also know that we can’t suppress, erase our individual uniqueness as then it rebounds violently, since this individual uniqueness and its free expression is our most priced property.
You are also right that we are constantly brainwashed, controlled by society, forcing us into certain collaborations, cooperation we don’t want, we don’t choose and this makes us frustrated, resenting, resisting this.
On the other hand we are gradually learning through our sciences and all kinds of real-life events — like the pandemic for example — how much we exist in a fully integrated, interdependent world we cannot escape.
Thus we have no other choice but to learn through a unique, purposeful and practical education how to integrate with each other, creating such a society, where each can use their individual uniqueness, our special abilities, talents for the sake of the whole, while receiving everything what we need, deserve for that mutually responsible, mutually complementing contribution.
This can happen only through such a unique education that uses Nature’s integral template instead of the usual, misguided, self-serving human ideologies, philosophies, religions. Then we will not resent, reject this natural integration but we will join it willingly, sensing its obvious benefit for all of us.