Understanding Evolution
Opinion from the Internet about human evolution:
“The issue is that we’ve spent almost 200 years understanding evolution, we essentially have all the answers in the universe when it comes to this “life” thing, we figured the core fundamentals out. Evolution is brutal, cold, and worse than the worse human being imaginable. There is no rescue plan, there is no global initiative for preserving the human race and we’re on the cusp of WW3. The tragedy here is that we have the most intelligent brain evolution has ever produced, and we’re blowing our load almost immediately as if we evolved too fast for civilization.”
You are right in that seemingly we do not fit evolution, as if humanity was out of sync with it.
This is why we need to study evolution, but not in the usual egocentric, subjective manner we have been doing it so far. We have to humble ourselves in from of Nature and instead of examining only what we can consume, extract for our own selfish purposes, this time we would need to examine what evolution expects from us.
Thus we will need to purposefully, methodically adjust ourselves to natural evolution's plan, expectations to be in sync with it, to survive in the system.
Then we will gradually learn and feel that evolution is not random, it is not cruel at all, but it is the most purposeful and benevolent process and system of all, with a very unique, high, unparalleled role for humanity.
Everything depends on our own approach, attitude only!