“Ultraliberalism” – the end of the inherently selfish and egotistic human development
Question from the Internet:
“Will “Ultraliberalism” make or break the world?”
“Ultraliberalism”, as the last and most foolish, arbitrary human ideology, will break human society in a total way, so we would have no other choice but to completely rebuild human society; this time based on completely different, “non-human” values and principles.
”Ultraliberalism” is the most dangerous “religion” we have come up with, the total and unconditional wosrhip of the 100% misguided, inherently egocentric, subjective and individualistic human intellect. “Ultraliberalism” is about destroying everythig that existed before, manipulating, rearranging anything and everythig according to how we see it fit in any given moment, according to our mood swings or the actual bandwagon popular in society.
”Ultraliberalism” is very powerful as the total media and entertainment mechanism is serving the general and global brainwash. And anybody who goes against the “liberal” dogma and propaganda is immediately ostracized and silenced.
With the jelp of this “liberal religion”, as a result of the mindless rule of the confused and baseless human intellect everything that provided the basis for societies and life in general is destroyed. There is no classical family anymore, young people have no future prospects, their only aspiration is to become “Youtubers” and social media influencers or football players, while they also play with their gender ad sexual preferences in order to become happier…
At the same time, the only general aspiration we find for life and purpose is endless and reckless overconsumption, while the “liberal propagandists” come up with ever-newer rules and twists, while they also identify the “evil parts” in society we need to restrict, suppress, censor or destroy.
This is our proud “liberal and progressive” Matrix we all agree to and live in.
But this had to happen. We had to arrive to this end-stage of the blind and instinctive, inherently egocentric, selfish and individualistic human development. The leaders of this “liberal and progressive” Matrix are not evil, they act blindly and instinctively as everybody else beforehand, and we had to reach this last and final state in our blind and instinctive egoistic development. WE also cannot return to any of the previous ideologies or systems since they also serve only the self-serving, self-justifying and exploitative human ego which is self-destructing now.
”Ultraliberalism” is simply acting as the last nail in the coffin before we finally come to our senses and understand that in order to survive, in order to truly become Human beings, we will have to relearn and reorganize our lives completely differently.
Instead of the blind and instinctive selfish and individualistic egoism – and all the arbitrary ideologies, philosophies and religions based on the human ego – we will have to start learning and using nature’s fundamental laws and principles.
Humanity will have to become a “nature-like”, selfless, mutually complementing and mutually cooperaing organism, where we all become like healthy cells, existing only for each other and the whole system. This is what nature’s strict and unforgiving laws deman from us, this is evolution predetermined for us, so we have no wiggle room or place to appeal. Either we consciously and purposefully adapt to the system and the plan as dictated by the natural system, or we will not survive – or perhaps a handful of humans survive that will yield as a result of unspeakable and intolerable suffering.
After “ultraliberalism” destroys the millennia-long, egotistic and selfish human experiment, we now have to move onto the ext stage of our Human evolution.