Truly Human development starts only in our generation

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readOct 22, 2020

Question from the Internet:

“Is human advancement really something to aspire to? Will there ever be a generation of humans who say "there is nothing more to advance"?”

Even if there is such a final, perfect state, we are very far from it right now.

In truth we haven’t even started our true Human development! So far we have developed in a completely blind, instinctive way, automatically following, executing our inherently egocentric, self-serving, self-justifying desires.

As a result we have been helplessly stumbling from one vicious historic cycles to another until we reached the dead-end of our own civilization.

In our generation the inherent egotistic development reached its end, exhausted itself, as Natural evolution now obligates us to start a completely new, this time conscious path of development. Through this path we will learn who we are, what system we exist in and how we can align ourselves with Natural development so we could reach our unique, evolutionary Human degree, purpose.

The pandemic and similar “Natural blows” coupled with the inevitable, deepening socioeconomic crisis - as our system built on excessive overconsumption, ruthless competition, success and survival at each other’s expense is unsustainable - will prevent any attempt to return to our lives from before. All unnecessary, non-essential activities, production will be wiped out (which process is already underway).

Thus while we will inevitably scale down to the optimal parameters of natural necessities, we will need to open a completely new, scientific and highly practical (offering true, immediate emotional impressions) educational method, which will guide us towards this conscious Human development above and independent of our original egotistic, subjective existence.

We are starting an unprecedented, beautiful and very exciting journey through which we will learn what it means to be Human, how we can learn and integrate into Nature’s perfect system, becoming its only fully aware, all-knowing observers, witnesses.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.