True solutions through unique round table discussions
Question from the Internet:
“How can productive disagreements lead to better outcomes?”
We are living in a fully integrated, interdependent world where only mutual, collective decision making, solutions can bring positive results.
On the other hand we are all egocentric with a completely subjective viewpoints, and we’re all try to defend and perpetuate our own egocentric, subjective viewpoints, interest above others at all cost.
So we need to learn how to make our disagreements, differences of opinions, diverse viewpoints productive by methodically, purposefully combining them into a unique composite solution, none of us had before.
This is possible through purposefully, methodically organized workshops, round table discussions where we swap the usual intention of convincing everybody about our own “right" to intently listening to, accepting the opinions of others in an equal, mutual manner, producing the unprecedented, “miraculous", new, positive result.