“True peace” is just a condition for a higher, truly Human existence
Question from the Internet:
“If humanity has a common goal such as world peace, almost every single human being want “peace” then why is it so difficult to implement something that the majority wants? This is what the majority wants, then why is it so difficult to implement?”
We might say that we “want world peace,” especially when our own country is at war or when we are threatened with war.
But at the same time, we also want everything we think we deserve; we want revenge when we were harmed, and we want to punish those who we think caused harm to us.
And if we knew what “true peace” is about, we would want it even less.
We do not really want peace. We just want a good and peaceful life for ourselves, so we can do wherever we want to have everything we think we need. And as long as we are ok in our own lives, we do not really care about other people’s wars unless the media — for their own ulterior motives — highlights a “distant” war somewhere.
This is how we are all programmed. We only care about ourselves, and we care about others only to the extent their lives or fate influences our life and fate.
And when somebody declares war on our “enemies” or competitors, we are happily supporting that war, especially if we do not need to participate in it.
Peace, more precisely “true peace,” is not the common goal of mankind. “True peace” is the condition for achieving our common goal and purpose.
“True peace” means a completely selfless, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing integration of vastly diverse and seemingly incompatible elements. We can observe this in nature, how such diverse and seemingly incompatible elements interconnect and create living systems that are capable of sustaining and developing life.
In nature — including in our own biological bodies — this happens instinctively and automatically as a result of natural evolution based on nature’s laws.
In the case of human beings, we need to build this “true peace” — or general balance and homeostasis — consciously and proactively, above and against our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and individualistic nature. This is what will make us human beings and give us our evolutionary human advantage.
Since we have to create and sustain this “natural true peace” above and against our instinctive nature, since we have to create this consciously and proactively, even after becoming mutually integrated with each other and through this become integrated into nature, we will retain a uniquely human consciousness and independent observing ability.
As a result, we will become nature’s only fully conscious inner observers and equal partners. We will gain such a complete and intimate understanding and knowledge about nature’s cause and effect processes and the laws the system is based on that we will have a tangible and realistic sensation and attainment as if we ourselves designed and operated the system.
We will feel that we can truly do whatever we want, that we can access and use nature’s infinite library of blueprints and the infinite treasure chest of resources. At the same time, we will also acquire the wisdom not to use anything for our own selfish sake any longer since we viscerally feel and humbly accept what is the most optimal state and function of the whole system, which system we partner and guard.