True peace is a fragile balance, connection above tense, warring opposites

Zsolt Hermann
4 min readAug 15, 2020


Question from the Internet:

What is the best way to maintain peace in the world?

In order to maintain peace, first of all, we would need to make, build peace.

“War” does not mean actually killing people with armies, weapons are open declarations. “War” means a mindset when with every thought, intention, action we aim at overcoming, exploiting, humiliating others — individually and between nations — in order to prove and show our superiority and the lowliness of others.

We are born with a “warring” mindset, program, as each considers their own individual, egocentric, subjective self as the center of the Universe, and we all relate towards others that are different from us with instinctive distrust, rejection, hate.

This might not be obvious in the usual, everyday settings, as we learned how to stomach, suppress our true feelings in order to create a social life that resembles normal.

But when we are pushed out of the usual comfort zones, when our existence, survival is in danger, the so far “bottled” instincts burst out and we try securing our own security, success, survival at the expense of everybody else, even at the cost of our own families.

The pandemic and the crisis that brews out of it — more precisely the long-standing crisis that was brutally exposed by the virus — created this “brutal, open boxing ring” where the masks, pretense, makeup, gloves all come off and we can see who we really are and what forces, intentions drive us.

Individuals and nations all try to ‘solve” the pandemic by their own egocentric, subjective mind, calculations, we panic-buy, refuse to wear masks, trample on each other in shops, on holiday destinations, companies and nations create a ruthless, exclusive race out of producing a vaccine, while most leaders and their oppositions use the increasing crisis to grab power for themselves, while people go to the streets to protest, riot, express hate towards anybody the inciting propaganda tells them to hate.

If we had time for historical analysis, we could see that we are blindly repeating all the steps Europe made before the 2nd World War, but this time we are repeating them on a global scale. Thus the seemingly inevitable devastation will be also on a much greater, incomprehensible scale, only Hollywood imagined, portrayed so far.

So if we want peace, we need to learn how to build it above and against our inherent nature. Previously “peace” meant defeating each other, subduing, removing the “evil” side in any conflict as writers of history make us believe.

But what to do if all are “evil”, if the warmongering source is imprinted in all of us?!

This is why we need a very special educational method, which can teach us, moreover make us feel that our vast differences, contrasts, contradictions, disagreements, and hate is part of who we are. We need to learn and feel that it is specifically these explosive contradictions, disagreements that give us a unique Human ability to see, attain, understand the world in a multi-dimensional manner no other living creature is capable of.

“Peace”, balance, equilibrium will come when we all learn, practice how to preserve and rise above all the contradictions, seemingly unsolvable disagreements. Then we will be able to cover the tensions, rejections with a unique “peace”, fragile connection, out of the understanding that we need to work together, tolerate each other for our collective survival, as without a willful, proactive, conscious integration within Humanity we won’t be able to integrate with Nature’s system and survive.

We will have to repeat evolution’s earlier “miracle” when “cancer-like” single-cell organisms, all living for themselves “agreed” to form multi-cellular organisms for the obvious evolutionary advantage.

What unfolded billions of years ago instinctively, blindly we will need to repeat consciously, proactively, above, and against our instinctive inclinations. Then we will understand that evolution gave us our hateful, warring nature for this specific purpose: to achieve the mutual integration above all the tensions, dynamic “tug of war” by ourselves.

We can learn how to find the place for all the opposing opinions, ideologies, inclinations as only matching absolute opposites can we get a full picture, as the “left” can’t exist without the “right”, each quality needing its own opposite to understand and justify itself by accepting and justifying the other.

When we can rebuild Human society on this unique ‘peace”, fragile balance above opposites that keep growing, sharpening, intensifying, then we will reach a “truly Human” perception, understanding of reality, becoming the “crowns of evolution” we are destined to become.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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