True Love — Natural Love
Opinion from the Internet about the “true love” we will need to achieve:
“English is badly equipped for this discussion: there is only one single word for the topic: “Love”. Then look at the Greeks. They have three words: “philia” as in philosophy (love of knowledge)* “eros” (sexual love ) and “agape” the spiritual love (the feeling of closeness, kindness). Yours love is obviously refers to agape.
(“sophia” is often translated with wisdom but that is rather a contortion by monotheist theologies who cannot admit that there is such a thing as knowledge: there is only faith).”
Yes, you are right, we can call this love “spiritual love”, though that is also possible to misinterpret as there are so many variations of what “spirituality” is — together with the expression “wisdom” as you mentioned.
This is why probably the best to call this “true love” “Natural love” since we would need to copy the exact behavior that exists between all elements in Nature.
Of course, within Nature, we do not call it “love” as Nature’s system is built on, operates on unbending Natural laws.
But since we are emotional creatures we turn even laws into emotional impressions.
So from our point of view learning how to rise above any selfish, subjective calculations to sense and fulfill the desires, needs of others, to make calculations only for the wellbeing, optimal development of the whole collective will be felt as “absolute love” we never felt before. And this will be a very realistic, tangible feeling as we become part of Nature’s “life-flow”, the circle of love that will give us this emotional impression.
And when as a result we also sense Nature’s all-encompassing balance, homeostasis, this will give us the sense of “bliss”, a perfect, infinite and eternal happiness, contentment. From the systematic, Natural point of view will will “obey laws”, from our own, subjective, emotional point of view we will sense unprecedented love and happiness.