True “Hanukkah Miracle”
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
The “miracle” so far has been the still strong and constantly renewing unity in Israel and among most Jews in the Diaspora — despite the incomprehensible Israel and Jew hatred portrayed all around the world.
Apart from a few dissonant voices from the “far-left” of the political spectrum, the unity within the Jewish Nation has been steadfast, fully supporting the approach of the Israeli government and the IDF.
Still, the real “miracle” we will need is keeping and further strengthening this unity and mutual responsibility when the main objective of the war is successfully achieved with the destruction of Hamas, and Hezbollah also becomes “silenced” — this way or that way.
True Jewish unity — that is achieved and kept above and despite the instinctive urges to fight among ourselves, undermine each other, and succeed at each other’s expense — is the result of the proper education, positive propaganda” and hard work as everyone agrees and commits to rise above their 100% subjective, egocentric and individualistic desires and viewpoints in order to facilitate and safeguard the well-being and most optimal development of the Nation.
Most of the time, this looks and sounds like a “miracle,” but we have the actual, purposeful, and practical method to achieve it.
Moreover, the whole world needs our method and positive example before everyone sleepwalks into a global disaster and self-destruction soon.