Trapped in our Egocentric, Subjective Caves

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readMay 23, 2020

Trapped in Ourselves

More and more people realize that our acquisition of knowledge has stopped, our sciences are in crisis — they became theoretical, philosophical, groping in the dark. As a result, our societies are plunged into darkness, operating by “fake news”, makeshift, gut instincts decisions, “experts” are biased and only serve their paymasters without any actual, scientific basis for the “proof”.

The problem has a very deep root, and if we do not correct the root we will not be able to improve on our situation.

We are all born with an inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception of reality. Thus we do not actually perceive reality as it is. We accept and use a personalized, very limited and distorted picture, model of reality which serves our instinctive, blind, day to day survival based on egocentric “pleasure/pain calculations”.

I know how difficult even just to imagine this let alone accept it. But we all live inside a dark, unreal introverted bubble, like in Plato’s Cave analogy. And even if we logically accept this — after all sciences like quantum physics — also proved this, we got used to living in our own caves that we refuse to come out to the “real world” and choose to stay in it.

Our acquisition of knowledge, our “cutting edge” sciences have long reached a wall they cannot penetrate further. We reached the maximum a selfish, subjective observer, the researcher can attain from reality — which is extremely limited, we are not even scratching the surface.

Pressed into a corner by Evolution

Until now we somehow managed to exist in our caves, on arbitrary agreements in between people, accepting certain artificial Human laws, principles inside an unnatural Human bubble. But now we have arrived at the stage in our Human development, where Nature’s evolution demands from us to “come out” to the real world and start existing in Nature’s system according to Nature’s laws, principles — otherwise the evolutionary direction, its relentless engine will crash us with our system.

This is why suddenly whatever we try to do turns into a disaster, whatever we touch dies, collapses since our whole Human system, everything we do is still based on our unnatural egocentric and subjective program. We are inevitably sinking into an all-encompassing global crisis as our Human system is incompatible with Nature’s laws.

We cannot ignore the demand from evolution to change ourselves and align with its direction. We can finally activate the “truly Human” potential in ourselves, awakening a different. selfless and objective program in us that can neutralize, balance the original egocentric, subjective software, and help us achieve compatibility with Nature.

Peeking into the “Real World” — together

We are standing at unprecedented, crucial crossroads, we can finally take our fate into our own hands and continue developing consciously, following Nature’s blueprint, the direction evolution determined for us.

We need a very special, purposeful and practical educational method which can, first of all, help us acquire a completely new, selfless, transparent, objective consciousness, perception of reality. We need to escape our inherently egocentric, subjective caves, prisons by learning how to perceive reality, exist through the needs, desires, and viewpoints of others in a special, purposeful, methodical manner.

Through this new — collective — consciousness and perception we will be able to “resume” our research of Nature, understanding its developmental plan with all of its cause and effect processes and fulfill our unique, evolutionary Human role in it.

Only this way can we acquire true knowledge — from Nature’s infinite, perfect database.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.