There is no limit to human progress and perfectibility, but…
Question from the Internet:
“What are the limits of human perfectibility and progress?”
We could say that there is no limit to human perfectibility and progress. On the other hand, we can also say that we have reached the limit of egocentric, subjective, individualistic human perfectibility, progress in our generation.
In the globally integrated, fully interdependent world we find ourselves totally, desperately helpless, we are completely out of depth when it comes to understanding, solving our mounting global problems that started to threaten our existence.
We need to go through a unique “evolutionary jump”, repeating the same extraordinary change when single-cell organisms started to form multi-cellular organisms for the clear evolutionary advantage.
In our case, this change will be fully conscious and proactive, as we will understand — either as a result of worsening, intolerable suffering, or by conscious, proactive research and understanding of Nature’s laws and evolutionary plane — that our survival can be only collective.
We can learn and implement Nature’s laws governing, sustaining integration through balance and homeostasis first within human society and by that achieving similarity, compatibility with Nature.
A globally, consciously integrated humanity with a newly developed collective, integral consciousness has no limit of progress and perfectibility, the moment we liberate ourselves from our inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception not even the “sky is the limit”!