There is no individual freedom in original Judaism!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
In truth, there is no “individual freedom” in “original Judaism.”
And there is a good reason for it.
The original Nation of Israel was built based on “mutual guarantee,” which means the absolute and totally selfless and unconditional responsibility of each jew towards each and every other Jew.
The most important and all-inclusive Mitzvah of the Torah is “Love your friend as yourself,” which, in practice — as our greatest sages describe — means loving another more than ourselves.
(For a full explanation, I recommend Rav Yehuda Ashlag’s landmark articles, “HaArvut,” “Matan Torah,” and “The Freedom.”
Our only true freedom in “original Judaism” is the freedom from our inherently and 100% egocentric, subjective, and self-serving nature all human beings are born with, and inherent nature is the root of all the conflicts and tragedies of human history, even today.
On the other hand, through implementing the above and against our inherent nature, we reach a unique unity and integrality to our sages expressed as “one man with one heart.”
Then, “one reveals one,” meaning a Natioon that has become integrated as one can reveal reality’s single, all-encompassing, and all-controlling force by the merit of becoming similar to that force.
This is what original Judaism is all about.
(Moreover, what is the point in “individual freedom” when reality is controlled by a single force?!)