There is Nature’s evolution, and there is the Human observer…
Question from the Internet:
“Is there some other single way the world could have turned out that would have happened more than this actual way?”
We exist in a lawful and deterministic reality. Nature’s evolution is not some random affair that makes accidental steps, rolling the dice as it goes.
Evolution has a very precise and distinct origin and a similarly precise and distinct final goal. And the states leading the developmental process from its origin to its goal are also predetermined.
Thus life, the world “turned out to be” exactly how it was supposed to turn out to be.
There is reality and its lawful and deterministic development; there are the human beings, the only — potentially conscious and wise — observers of the process.
When we look at reality and try to judge and assess it in order to comprehend it, only our own wisdom and suitable perception is missing right now.
Thus we need to focus on the observer instead of focusing on the world.
The world, with its “programmed” developmental process, will continue regardless of what we think or do. Our part is to develop and prepare ourselves so we can fully understand, accept and partner with this process.
Our human advantage in Nature is not that we create, invent, change or correct things.
Our human advantage and purpose are to become willing and conscious partners and observers in a process that unfolds “automatically” without our contribution.
But by preparing, changing and developing a truly Human observer in us, we will come to a unique, very high and tangible sensation, as if we ourselves designed and governed the system.