The world will not end soon…
Question from the Internet:
“How true are the predictor’s claims that the world will end soon?”
The world will not end soon. But we might reach such a global explosion, a meltdown that could wipe most of humanity out.
The Natural world around us is not in danger. As we saw from the experiences from the early, global quarantine, when humanity retreats Nature can repair, replenish itself almost immediately effortlessly. We can see that same from examples like Chernobyl or Fukushima.
We, on the other hand, are the endangered species, ready to catapult ourselves from evolution’s relentless flow by being and remaining incompatible with Nature’s integral system, with the laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on.
The more lessons, “messages” we receive from the system — in the form of the global socioeconomic crisis, the pandemic, climate change, and other pressing problems — that our artificial, excessively overconsuming, ruthlessly competitive, cancer-like human system is unsustainable, the more stubbornly we try to “get back to normal” like desperately helpless addicts.
And in truth, our inherently selfish, insatiable, overconsuming ego that also makes us succeed at each other’s expense is an addiction of the highest order. And without curing it, without learning how to control, harness the ego’s power for positive, constructive, mutually beneficial, collective goals, purpose — while aligning with Nature’s integral template we will self-destruct.
And then the handful of survivals will need to learn how to rebuild humanity based on that Natural template as a result of the incredible suffering, pain.
I think it is wiser to start changing, refining, adapting ourselves to Nature without waiting for suffering to force us — with the help of a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method.