The World of Consequences
The World of Consequences
The Illusion of Free Choice
We live in a world where we seem to have free choice, where people act as they please, solving problems and responding to new situations that arise daily. This creates the impression that we live a conscious life, where we are in control of our circumstances.
Yet this perception is false. In reality, we exist in a Matrix — a construct where we blindly play out predetermined roles without true freedom or awareness. We do not sense the extent to which we are controlled.
We are entirely governed by our egocentric, self-serving nature. Every calculation we make and every action we take is driven by the singular goal of acquiring more selfish pleasure and avoiding pain. This insatiable, primordial desire for fulfillment dictates all aspects of our existence. It is so deeply ingrained that we cannot behave otherwise, compulsively drawing everything toward ourselves at all costs.
The Primordial Desire and the Human Matrix
This foundational desire, which animates our very being, manifests in countless forms — food, sex, family, wealth, power, fame, control, or knowledge. Despite its varied appearances, it is always the same: the unquenchable drive for self-fulfillment.
This desire not only drives individuals but also forms the collective Matrix we perceive as our world. Every experience in human history, every event in our lives, is the outcome of countless egos striving for fulfillment. However, this pursuit often comes at the expense of others.
As a result, human history is a chronicle of escalating egoism, marked by endless conflict, wars, and destruction. Even our so-called positive advancements are fueled by the same self-serving drive. Technological breakthroughs often become tools for exploitation and control rather than progress for all.
The Escalation Toward Self-Destruction
Our collective selfishness does not only harm each other but also increasingly damages the natural environment. This unchecked consumerism and exploitation, driven by egocentric desires, have set humanity on a path toward self-destruction.
As long as we remain in the “world of consequences,” driven solely by our selfish desires, we are powerless to prevent this outcome. This world — the one we perceive — is merely the final projection of deeper forces. Like the image on a computer screen, it reflects processes we cannot alter directly.
The Cause Behind the Consequences
While we cannot change the “image” itself, we can influence the forces that create it. The selfish, egoistic desire dominates at the level of this world. To effect change, we must rise above this level to access the system of reality where cause-and-effect processes originate.
This requires us to acquire qualities opposite to our inherent nature. The world outside the human “bubble” operates on principles of balance and harmony, governed by a single life-creating and sustaining force. This force is characterized by pure, selfless love and bestowal.
Nature’s Balance vs. Human Chaos
If nature operated according to the selfish principles of human society, it would collapse instantly. Instead, nature sustains life through a delicate balance governed by unchanging laws that maintain harmony.
In nature, the primal desire for self-existence is counterbalanced by this higher force of love and bestowal. Together, they create the flow of life. This force, however, is undetectable in the human realm, where egoistic desires overshadow its influence. Its subtle presence has prevented our complete collapse, but it is insufficient to halt humanity’s trajectory toward disaster.
Rising Above the World of Consequences
To avoid catastrophe, we must ascend to the level of the “world of causes,” where we can interact with the life-creating force. This requires a fundamental transformation: adopting the qualities of pure, unconditional love and selflessness.
Only by acquiring these qualities can we begin to balance the primal desire that drives us. Instead of using it selfishly, we can redirect it for the benefit of others and the greater system. This shift allows us to modulate the forces that shape the “picture” of our world.
The Objective Human Observer
When we rise above our egoistic nature, we become objective observers of reality. This state enables us to perceive and balance the opposing forces of selfishness and altruism, influencing their interplay to create harmony.
This process requires deliberate effort, supported by a structured developmental method in a conducive environment. As more people achieve this state, their collective influence reshapes the Matrix, altering the outcome for humanity.
A Path Toward Renewal
By rising to the level of causes, we can transform the forces that govern our world. This is not merely a solution to our current crisis but a fulfillment of our purpose as human beings.
Through a conscious effort to acquire the qualities of love and bestowal, we align ourselves with the life-creating force of reality. This alignment enables us to modulate the selfish desires that dominate the “world of consequences,” creating a sustainable, harmonious existence.
In this way, humanity can transition from the chaotic world we inhabit to a reality of balance and mutual responsibility — a world that reflects the higher principles governing all of creation.