The Wisdom of Nature — Teaching Humanity The Science of Reverse Engineering
A new story from my dear friend, Ernest Itzkovitch from Toronto:
Welcome to April 20, 2020. Seems that Corona made us much more mature and responsible toward each other.
Self-isolation, social distancing, line-ups in stores to purchase basic necessities, online orders, work from home, negative oil price ?!
In Quality Assurance it’s called Lean Supply Chain, which means everything is planned, double-checked and measured i.e $, labor, material.
The Corona changed our old habits to new ones — from physical to virtual — in other words, “Habit Becomes Second Nature”.
So what went wrong that Nature decided to teach us a lesson by isolating us with social distancing vs. let us remain closer?
Has humanity missed the opportunity to build good relationships and humanity abused this relation to extreme negative behavior?
How about setting international goals and agreements among countries to reduce global warming and reduce waste and extras ?
The Wisdom of Nature — is endlessly giving for humanity to have joy and pleasure. And what humanity did with it? As an appreciation to Mother Nature, humanity overused and depleted natural resources to extreme maximum (& make unnecessary products for profit),
take advantage of the weakness of others and control their lives/destiny, resolve disputes with extreme and unfair power game/s?
There are different auditing methods apply to different situations — product, process, system. My Extraordinary Teacher for Quality Engineering — taught us a simple auditing method reads as: Go and see the waste bin before you start the audit. The whole Management system is reflected there. I must confess and can not argue — he was 100% right. Lets audit ourselves and behavior:
Are we good with each other? Do we treat each other fairly ? Do we teach ourselves and the next generation for good deeds?
It is already commonly accepted that Nature is out of balance as the main reason for Corona. What we are lacking? Connection.
Connection — it’s not only a “plugin and activate” a new device. Connection — is the next level/degree of humanity’s development !!!
And who exactly decided that humanity needs this new Connection — if prior Corona nobody was ready to listen and hear about it?
These days, while the vast majority of the world is under “voluntold closure”, the need for connection becomes our “oxygen lifeline”?
How about building up closer and good relations, call and recall that we have family and friends, maybe join an interest Group ?
Integral Education — is the ultimate solution for all of us who until now is not quite sure what is our new reality or the brand new world will look like after Post Corona era? No worries, I mentioned in my previous articles — it depends on you and me and our relations.
Why connection is good for people and business? More warmth, better understanding, settle disputes in a friendly manner,
increase trust and mutual responsibility helping each other achieve our goals. Just imagine that you have a quarter slice of bread and you are very hungry? Would you be ready to share it 50–50 with another friend? How about a person that is not your Friend?
Tough questions — and today, is the Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel, and Holocaust Survivors remind us that they were sharing rotten food waste in order to survive and were carry each other when their friends were ill or sick without food for days?
The bottom line — the most important is the intention. Do you treat your Friend is equal or even more important than yourself?
If it a Yes — and you are ready to share your quarter slice of bread, it’s a good start to become a student for Integral Education because your intention is toward “giving” to others. If you decide to share the quarter slice of bread with yourself only — check it out,
because selfish behavior in the new world is not very popular and not acceptable in order to reach a balance with Nature.
I heard a beautiful song called “Living in Unity” — that was recorded in Toronto Canada ~10 years ago by a group of Friends who started to study Integral Education a long time ago. The lyrics are relevant today more than any time — listen with a special intention.
Therefore, I am concluding this article by sharing this beautiful song with a powerful message from Mother Nature. Enjoy & share !!