The war is also only a symptom of the main problem with the world…
Question from the Internet:
“Is a war-fueled global hunger catastrophe on the way?”
The war is just another nail in our global coffin together with the pandemic, climate change-induced problems and many other problems we do not even talk about.
The biggest problem is that our lifestyle does not fit the general laws of mutual integration in nature. Due to our inherently blind, selfish, egoistic, cancer-like tendencies we are excessively overconsuming everything while ruthlessly competing for resources and survival with each other and Nature.
It is our incompatibility with Nature that induces all other problems and it is our incompatibility with Nature that we will need to address, remedy, otherwise, everything else we do will be futile, making our problems only worse.
We cannot pursue this self-serving, self-justifying cancer-like lifestyle in a totally, mutually integrated and interdependent living system without suffering the consequences. Any negative influence we introduce into the system will come back to us multi-fold. One who forcefully attacks another will receive blows back stronger and one who sanctions, tries to restrict others in an integral system will suffer from those sanctions restrictions even more.
Either we learn and keep Nature’s laws of mutual integration — that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on — or we punish ourselves, doom ourselves to suffering.