The unique human evolutionary transition is upon us!
Question from the Internet:
“Are "flaws" inherent in the constitution of a person, or are they willfull? How can one make sense of what "flaws" actually means?”
Our “flaws" are inherent in us. We could say that we were “released into production" with a raw, unfinished, beta software (like many products today) by Nature’s evolution.
We are all born with an inherently self-centered, subjective, individualistic nature, and knowingly, unknowingly we all succeed, survive at each other’s, and at Nature’s expense like cancer.
Since we are born like this, without any free choice about our “software", we are not evil or sinful. And it is purposeful from evolution, as this raw, unfinished human nature driving us gives us an actual freedom to finish our own development — contrary to ask other parts in Nature — allowing us to reach our unique, evolutionary role, purpose in the system when we finally recognized how harmful our original program is.
This unprecedented shift in human evolution — switching from a blind, instinctive, egotistic and subjective development to a conscious, Nature-like, altruistic, mutually integrated, constructive, positive and collective development happens in this special generation.
Today we have the vast amount of historic experience, and the pressing, threatening, very realistic danger of global self-destruction that awakens masses of people with the question about meaning, purpose of life.
And following this question will lead us to the right, purposeful and practical educational method that can guide us through this unique human evolutionary transition.