The ultimate test to know and trust ourselves
Question from the Internet:
“Is an ultimate step in knowing and trusting yourself exercised by going to the most dangerous country(s) in the world knowing in advance you’ll be safe, doing whatever you please there, and you always return without coming into harm's way?”
I do not think so. The ultimate step in knowing and trusting oneself requires a much more difficult and virtually impossible task.
We can truly know and trust ourselves only when we go through a total self-annulment to selflessly and unconditionally love and serve others — others we have absolutely no reason to love or serve instinctively, emotionally or according to blood connections.
Only when we become able to detach ourselves from our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and individualistic egos and calculations, and we “dissolve into others”, existing only to feel and fulfil them exactly how they want and need it, only then do we find out who we are and can trust ourselves 100%.
What do we gain from this?
By this, we gain an unprecedented new, collective consciousness and a perfect, objective and unlimited perception of reality without the distortion of the ego and through the desires and viewpoints of multiple other people.
We gain a practical and realistic sense of existence without the inherently egocentric and subjective limitations of time and space.
When “I” include in myself everybody else, I selflessly and unconditionally serve and love, “I” become perfect, and no harm can touch me any longer.
And while achieving this state is extremely difficult and “virtually impossible”, we have the actual, practical and purposeful method that can help us do it.