The “truly Human” sense of “being alive.”

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readAug 11, 2024


Our “basic matter,” the engine that drives us through life, is an extremely strong and irrepressible desire for self-fulfillment. We do not feel life; we cannot even move a finger unless an unfulfilled desire makes us “wake up” and move.

As a result, our whole life is experienced through feeling and attempting to fulfill the “animate” desires of food, sex, and family and the “social” desires for wealth, control, fame, and knowledge.

In this respect, the inherent and instinctive sensation and experience of human existence are extremely similar to the existence and perception of animals: constantly revolving about feeling our own needs and desires and trying everything in our power to find fulfillment for them.

Our whole life is built on the above formula — sensing and fulfilling our perceived needs and desires at all costs until our desires lessen and wane and we finally die, as we stop sensing this self-centered and subjective existence that is based on the emptiness or fulfillment of our desires.

On the other hand, potentially, we have the opportunity to experience and perceive life on a higher, truly Human level.

Only Human beings have the ability and opportunity to intimately feel others, the feelings and desires of others, and make efforts to fulfill those “other” desires as if they were our own.

This is not something natural since, by birth, we are all close to ourselves. We feel and perceive others only to the extent we need those others in order to fulfill our own desires. Thus, inherently, we do not really feel and perceive others, as we care about others only to the extent they are useful for our own egotistic and subjective fulfillment.

However, we can learn, practice, and finally implement sensing and perceiving the desires and feelings of others to the same extent that we feel our own. We can reach a state when we enter and dissolve into the necessities, desires, and feelings of others to such an extent that our existence and aspiration will be only to fulfill those desires of others exactly how they want those desires fulfilled as if we fulfilled ourselves.

This is what the well-known but totally misunderstood and misused principle of “Love another as yourself” describes.

If we learn and practice this principle properly, in a unique environment where each person pledges and commits to do the same, we can reach a point where we completely forget about our own physical existence, and we sense and experience existence only through fulfilling others. We enter a common field between us — in this unique environment — where everybody exists and acts only for the perfect fulfillment of others, practicing “love” in the true meaning of this notion.

As a result of this perfect and mutual “love,” we can completely detach from and rise above the perception of physical life and death — without the need of actually dying — and we also gain a qualitatively much higher, collective, and mutual perception of reality and collective consciousness that gives us all a “truly Human” experience of existence and feeling of “being alive.”

This is something absolutely realistic and practical. We can all reach this sensation of being alive like Human beings through the right scientific method practiced in a suitable environment.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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