The Truest Free Choice in Life
It is commonly believed that humans possess independent free will, enabling them to make conscious and autonomous decisions about their actions. On the surface, this belief seems intuitive, as we experience daily life through the lens of choice and consequence. However, upon deeper reflection, it becomes evident that the notion of free will, as we understand it, is an illusion. In truth, human lives — our paths, experiences, and even the stages we pass through — are predetermined, governed by a purposeful and deterministic force that operates in reality. This force, precise and singular, drives the entire system toward a final, inevitable state.
In this vast system, everything aside from human beings functions according to a single, unchangeable trajectory. Nature’s elements — from the smallest atom to the largest galaxies — move in harmony, guided by this immutable law. Humanity, however, is unique. We alone are given the capacity to choose between two fundamentally different paths of development. While our inherent nature initially aligns us with a single deterministic axis, the potential for a conscious deviation exists, presenting us with a profound choice: remain governed by our default instincts or align ourselves with a higher, more harmonious developmental path.
The Default State: The Ego’s Dominion
By default, humans operate under an “original operating system” — an evolutionary program that is entirely selfish, egoistic, and individualistic. This program compels us to perceive and act in a manner dictated by a self-serving, pleasure-seeking, and pain-avoiding paradigm. In this state, all calculations and decisions are filtered through the lens of personal gain. Our perception of reality is thus distorted, narrowed to what benefits us, and blind to anything outside this framework.
This egocentric perception creates an artificial “Matrix,” a construct built by and for the selfish ego. Within this paradigm, human history becomes a series of recurring conflicts, wars, and crises. Individually and collectively, we are locked in a cycle of suffering, driven by the ego’s insatiable demands. Change, when it comes, is often the result of intolerable crises forcing us to adapt and evolve — a path aptly called the “path of suffering.”
The Alternative: The Ideal Path
There exists, however, another path. This ideal path aligns with the qualities of the single, life-creating, and life-sustaining system that governs reality. The natural world operates through selfless and unconditional cooperation, where all parts function in mutual integration and interdependence. To progress along this ideal path, humans must rise above their inherent selfishness and embrace qualities that reflect the system’s altruistic and bestowing nature.
This transition is not easy, as it requires a conscious effort to act against the ego’s ingrained tendencies. It is precisely the stark contrast between our instinctive selfishness and the system’s selflessness that creates the duality necessary for human growth. This duality enables us to become independent, conscious observers and participants in the system. Achieving this balance — integrated yet independent — is humanity’s ultimate purpose.
True Free Choice
While the stages of human development are predetermined, the manner in which we experience them diverges drastically depending on our choices. True free choice lies not in resisting or altering the governing force but in consciously aligning with it. This means choosing to discard the “path of suffering” and embracing the “ideal path” by surrendering our egoistic desires and perspectives.
Free choice manifests in agreeing to let the developmental force operate freely within us, even when its actions seem contrary to our egoistic instincts. This surrender requires recognizing and resisting our inherent opposition to change while actively allowing the system to guide us. By nullifying our selfish thoughts and desires, we create space for the developmental force to install new, higher qualities within us.
The truest act of free will is not reactive but proactive. It involves anticipating and preparing for the next ideal state, even before the force begins its work. This proactive surrender is akin to lying willingly on an operating table, fully trusting the surgeon to perform what is necessary for healing and growth. By consciously requesting a higher, more selfless state — one that is more loving and altruistic than the present — we take the cleanest and most authentic step toward true free choice.
Becoming Partners in Creation
In this moment of surrender and conscious agreement, we transcend the passive role of creation and become active participants. By choosing to align with the governing force, we evolve into consenting partners in the grand design of reality. This partnership allows us to perceive reality in its entirety, bridging the extremes of selfishness and selflessness. Through this process, we become objective observers of life, capable of encompassing both the inherent limitations of our egoistic nature and the boundless potential of the altruistic system.
True free choice is not about asserting control or independence but about surrendering to a higher, purposeful process. It is the conscious decision to align with the ideal path of development, embracing the qualities of selflessness, cooperation, and mutual integration. This choice enables us to transcend the ego’s narrow, self-serving paradigm and connect with the broader system of reality as equal partners. By consciously navigating this path, we fulfill our unique role as humans: to rise above instinct, perceive reality objectively, and harmonize with the singular force that governs creation. In doing so, we achieve not only personal transformation but also contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.