The “true world” is built on contrasting opposites
Question from the Internet:
There seem to be too many negative and depressing events happening in the world today. Can anyone share something positive that has really inspired them or given them hope or made them smile?
When we understand that perception, research is built on contrasting opposites, comparative research, then we will also understand that nothing can exist without its own, seemingly contradicting, contrasting opposite.
This is how Nature’s system is built, this is how we knowingly, unknowingly detect sweet against bitter, warm against cold, love against hate.
Thus when we notice, feel something negative, depressing we should know that its opposite, contrasting quality, state also exists. We just need to learn how to detect, consciously sense the constantly present duality, fragile tension that exists in Nature, and as a result within us as well.
By default our perception, consciousness is “single dimensional”, we only sense what our “personal computer” deems important from a very narrow, limited, and distorted egocentric, subjective point of view.
But when we methodically learn how to attach the desires, opinions, viewpoints of other people — in increasing circles — around our own initial, introverted viewpoint, we will start to sense the complete picture in increasing depth and resolution.
Then we will know that for each negative, depressive thing we discover there exists an uplifting, positive side that balances it out and the two opposite do not short-circuit each other but provide a complete, multi-dimensional picture of reality for the “expert observer” that can stand between the opposites sensing, justifying, accepting both.
We can realistically, tangibly reach this “expert observer” state, by learning how to sense, perceive reality around us through the desires and viewpoints of other people in special, closed groups, with the right, purposeful and practical method.