The true nature of Nature
Opinion from the Internet about humanity and Nature:
“What is this thing that you refer to as “Nature”. My understanding of Nature is that the living members of it are mainly devoted to survival or itself, not altruism. Humans fit right in to that force of Nature. So it is time that people learn and accept that Humans are simply part of Nature, not above it. We will eventually learn to cooperate with the rest of Nature, but it will take time. As far as Human globalization is concerned, eventually we will also accept all forms of Humans by mixing and developing a different mixed single culture.”
We ourselves interpret Nature - based on our inherently misguided, egocentric and subjective viewpoint, qualities - as some field of competition where each part of the system is concerned only about their own survival.
We translate the relationships between predators and prey for example in a “Disney-like" manner, sympathizing, siding with the poor, helpless prey while despising, fighting the predators.
And if those predators hurt us we set out to cull them like the Australian sharks that threaten the poor surfers who happen to encroach on their natural habitat, or polar bears entering human habitation since we destroyed their natural food sources, and so on.
We don’t notice how the predators kill the weakest specimen by that helping the natural selection of the prey, keeping their population to a manageable level, while consuming only what they need, leaving the rest to secondary predators, scavengers.
If Nature worked the way we imagine — survival of the strongest, most cruel at the expense of others — we wouldn’t be here as the natural system, evolution world be random, haphazard, unable to sustain life.
If we want to understand how Nature’s integral system works we don’t have to go far, we can simply look at how our own biological body works with its intricately balanced, organized subsystems, organs.
And we find the same intimately interconnected subsystems, ecosystems all across Nature, all connected to each other as a single system, organism.
This is how we also need to reorganize human society as without becoming compatible with Nature we can’t survive.