The time of individual leaders, political parties is over!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Are humans evolving to look past leaders? As data/knowledge becomes more widespread I feel people look within themselves more than ever for answers. What do you think?”

We are definitely evolving past individual leadership as the negative examples in the world are piling up. In a fully integrated, interdependent world individual — inevitably subjective, egocentric — decisions, opinions are outright harmful.

Thus we need a new style of collective leadership, with multiple viewpoints and a very different debating, discussion style, where the participants do not want to force their own opinions on others, but on the contrary, they make all the efforts to listen to and accept the opinions of the others. This way, together — when they all subscribe to such debating, discussing — they can develop a completely new, composite opinion, a solution that did not exist in either of them before their discussion.

The other prevalent leadership tool which will disappear very soon is the political party system for the same reason. The present, completely self-serving, combative political parties — that care only for grabbing and holding onto power, and make toxic coalitions, reward each other with undeserved portfolios through the horse-trading called coalition talks, and are many times organized around the most egotistic, authoritative “leader” — have become the greatest obstacles towards true democracy.

We will have to return to a completely independent, direct public representation from among “normal people” (not career politicians), who represent their constituency — the public being organized in increasingly larger circles — for a well-defined, limited time. These representatives will have to act as “public servants” in the full meaning of that notion.

And at every level decision-making would be conducted in the above-mentioned, collective manner.

This is the governing, decision-making system that can become successful in a totally interconnected and absolutely interdependent world.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.