The template of the perfect Human society
Question from the Internet:
“Is there one solution that can solve all problems in a country?”
Yes, there is a solution. It is the most optimal, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnection and cooperation between people.
When we look at how Nature’s integral living system works, when we look at our own biological body, what health and physical survival depends on, we see that everything is based on the selfless, mutually and unconditionally serving integration of myriads of extremely diverse and seemingly incompatible elements, systems and subsystems.
They all exist and work solely for the sake of optimal well-being and the development of the whole living system.
Humanity — from the smallest “cell” of the classical family to the whole global human world is also a single, inevitably and irrevocably integrated living system, where each and every individual depends on each and every other person and the whole collective.
In the previous and present generation, we have already started talking about a “global and integral world”, but even if we understand this intellectually, we still do not feel how much we are integrated and interdependent.
We are still pursuing a “cancer-like”, egocentric, subjective and individualistic existence, where each person tries to excessively accumulate and consume everything possible for oneself, knowingly or unknowingly, at the expense of others and Nature. And even when we already realize it is so, we simply cannot stop since our inherent internal program does not know of any other kind of existence and lifestyle but this self-serving, self-justifying and exploitative one.
It is not our fault or sin; after all, we were installed with this internal software by Nature’s evolution. And it happened purposefully. To use our unique Human intellect — capable of critical self-assessment, initiating self-development and also attaining and encompassing the whole Natural system through the right training and preparation we had to be born “unfinished, with this raw and “unnatural” inner software.
After recognizing that the root cause of all our problems exists within us and for any meaningful and effective solution, we need to change and further develop or upgrade ourselves; we can truly become “Human beings”. A “truly Human being” is a mature entity in nature that can consciously, willingly and purposefully develop itself above and against its original instincts and inclinations.
After we recognize how our originally “cancer-like” behaviour and lifestyle literally kill us, we can start this unique self-development through the right, purposeful and practical educational method. This method can teach us how to harness so far unknown forces in Nature — that constantly work “behind the scenes” to drive the development of the whole system — to assist us in “upgrading” ourselves and acquire a second, “Nature-like” software above and against our inherently “cancer-like” one.
This unique “Human duality” between who we were born and who we can become will help us find and fulfil our special, evolutionary Human role and purpose in Nature.
In the right Human society, we build “Nature-like” mutual integration, where each and every person finds their unique, crucially important and irreplaceable role for the whole collective while, in return, justly and proportionately receiving everything one needs and deserves to sustain that crucially important contribution to the whole.
In this most optimal Human network, we all become like pure and positively contributing “pipelines” or conduits that selflessly contribute to the perfect circulation of all the necessary resources and energy within the system, only keeping for themselves what they actually need for their role — based on true natural necessities and available resources.
When a society works like that, each and every person receives exactly what they need in order to have the most optimal individual and collective state in that society, resembling Nature’s perfect harmony and homeostasis.
This will provide everyone with a tangible and realistic sense of “bliss”, a sense of existence as if we were back in the mother’s womb, where through our mutual cooperation, each and every person receives everything they would want and need immediately and most optimally even without the need to ask for it.