The “technology of connection” can unlock all other technologies to help us solve problems
Question from the Internet:
“What will be the next technology trend after AI and cloud computing?”
When we finally realize that we can’t solve our mounting, global problems that threaten our lives with our technology, not even with AI, we will finally turn to the only technology that can help us.
It doesn’t matter what high-tech we invent use, as long as the user - Human beings - remains self-serving, egocentric, using everything for selfish profit, succeeding, surviving at each others and Nature’s expense.
We can’t find a solution to the pandemic and to other global threats like climate change, imminent nutrition, water supply issues, antibiotics overuse as we can’t build sustainable, positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation with each other.
In short, we won’t be able to survive in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system unless we ourselves build our societies on “Nature-like” integration.
So the only technology we really need is the “technology of connection”.
When we learned how to build the necessary connections, integration above, against our inherent nature, then we will be able to use everything else we have with the right intention, towards the right, collective goals, purposes.