The “supernatural love” that can cover all transgressions
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
A very important article because we tend to blame others for our misfortunes, when, in fact, we only depend on ourselves.
From Biblical times until today, as long as Jews managed to keep their “supernatural” – above the inherently and 100% selfish, egotistic, exploitative and hateful human nature – unity and mutual guarantee, “covering all transgressions with brotherly love,” we prospered, we defeated and outlasted empires and complete civilizations.
The moment we succumb to our instinctive urges to fight between us, to undermine, oppress and even destroy our brethren, we immediately face existential danger and pay horrific price.
Our unity and mutual guarantee, the “brotherly love” that can neutralize and cover all transgression is truly “supernatural.”
We have to generate and keep it above our instinctive nature.
This requires not only an extremely strong collective will and committment, it also requires assistance from forces that our “out of our control.”
It does not matter if we consider these forces “natural,” or “godly,” only when we draw and harness these forces collectively, mutually, only for each other’s sake can we hope that these forces will help and allow us to exist and behave above and against our instinctive nature.
And it is not enough that we have to revive and keep our mutual guarantee and mutually complementing integration with the help of these special forces.
We also have to help everybody else to do the same, as this is our National purpose.