The “story” of Kabbalah
Kabbalah is a unique, empirical, emotional science that explains how and why an “imperfect” human being was created (by God or Nature) in an otherwise perfect system by a perfect operator.
Then it also gives you the practical method to recognize this imperfection and then to turn to, use the same single force that created us imperfect to finish our “creation” and make us perfect — similar to it/Himself.
It is by this process that we become “truly Human”, meaning “similar to God”, becoming His partners or Nature’s partners in evolution — whichever way we like to name it, look at it.
At the end of the day, we are talking about the single operating force in reality and its single evolutionary plan.
Now Kabbalists wrote down their method in a special, symbolic, multi-layered language, which then others started to take literally and created religions, their own methods out of it.
The story of “Adam and Eve” for example, does not describe an actual story with human beings. That “story” unfolds before there were human beings born, describing simply a necessary event of evolution preparing the whole system for our birth.
There was no sin or any free choice involved, this “breakage”, an egoistic desire breaking the original, Natural perfection had to happen so we could be born with our actual imperfect egoistic, cancer-like nature which then we need to consciously correct.
After all, “inherent, primordial sin” does not make any sense, how can one be responsible for something one had no choice in, we are not responsible for the broken, corrupt nature we are born with.
Responsibility, “crime” starts with free choice and we have any free choice only when we have already recognized the destructive, ego working in us, destroying us and the world around us, and we also found the method for its correction.
Then we can choose to stay as we were born or we willingly choose to go against our inherent nature and change, correct ourselves to become similar to “God” or Nature with “God’s”, Nature’s help, recruiting the single force of reality to complete our Human development so we become adapted to, similar to, integrated into nature as conscious observers, partners.
This is what everything is all about, the rest is only the different signs, symptoms of our nature and what it causes, and all the philosophies, theories, belief systems humanity has created through history by not understanding, misinterpreting the basics.
But today we have free choice.
We can remain ignorant of this whole process as most people still are, blindly following their egos and destroying everything around them, we can believe in something that is based on the literal misinterpretation of the original writings and wait for some redemption after we die, or we can actually use the method, change ourselves and then, as a result, feel and understand everything, looking at reality from the “Creator’s viewpoint” — as truly Human beings, Nature’s, reality only conscious, integrated and at the same time independent observers, partners.