The special trait that defines us as “Human beings”
Question from the Internet:
“If you were able to propose an additional trait in defining the human person, what will it be? Explain why?”
Unique, empirical natural scientists — who have been studying human nature in contrast to Nature’s finely balanced, integral system — have been describing that trait for millennia, expressed in the poetic, symbolic principle of “Love others as yourself”.
And while most religions, spiritual teachings adopted a version of this principle, as history shows we actually never got close to implementing it.
We will become “truly Human” — similar to Nature above and against our inherent nature — only when we consciously, methodically, purposefully learn how to love others as we love ourselves instinctively.
By default, we are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and individualistic nature. By default we are simply incapable of making calculations for others if it does not yield some form of selfish benefit, profit that makes giving to others, caring for others, “loving others” worthwhile.
We can’t even comprehend let alone perform “true love”, which is a totally selfless, altruistic, unconditional fulfillment of the desires, needs of others according to their viewpoint without any subjective, egoistic bias from our side.
But without “true love” — serving others above and against our inherent nature — we will not be able to build the crucially necessary, Nature-like (similar to how the cells of our biological body interact) mutual integration our problem-solving ability, and collective survival depends on.
So this most important Human trait — “true love” — is something we have to learn, develop with the help of a special, purposeful, and practical educational method in the right environment.