The role of education in society
Question from the Internet:
“What are the ten functions which education performs to any society?”
I am sorry for not directly answering the question, listing ten functions. Instead I would like to write about education in general. And then, based on this, anybody can build the ten functions they find most important.
Education is the only way to “reprogram” human beings without coercion or misleading propaganda. Of course, it has to be the right education that people can joint freely and consciously, leaving and returning as they wish without feeling being forced or threatened.
I am not talking about the basic curriculum we prepare for our children, so they get the basic skills and understanding necessary for day-to-day life in human society in this natural world. That basic education needs to remain mandatory. But even that basic curriculum needs to be tailored more to the actual needs and desires of people, and it needs to be adjusted to the demands of life in a globally integrated and interdependent world.
Thus even the basic curriculum needs to be built on and conducted through human interaction and connection, placing utmost importance on teamwork and the mutual complementation of people. Instead of the usual individualism and ruthless competition we start “teaching” and promoting from the cradle, we need to help children to understand and actually feel how much they depend on each other and that they cannot succed or even survive without mutual support and cooperation.
But on top of this basic education, we need a “truly higher” education that can teach us all what our Human purpose in life is, what it is that we have to achieve while we exist in this world, and what it actually means that we are “Human beings”.
Instead of the aimless and inhumane goals and purposes we are indocrinated with – consumerism, becoming powerful, famed, wealthy just for the sake of it – we need to guide people towards truly human goals and towards our actual, predetermined evolutionary Human role and purpose in existence.
At this stage, we do not understand and we do not dare to examine what a useless, aimless, inhumane and self-destructive bubble or Matrix we have creatred for ourselves and we live in. There is nothing in today’s “modern” human society bthat is worth keeping or promoting. Each and every thing we ever do, absolutely everything, is false and harmful. All our ideologies, philosophies, religions and structures need a complete overhaul.
And that is possible only with the right education, which is able to open our eyes and hearts, to make us understand and feel the terrible and hellish dungeon we created for ourselves and to give us a real desire and need to rebuild human society on very different foundations. We need to reprogram ourselves completely, find and follow completely new directions through completely new interconnections and cooperation between people.
The worsening, self-destructive global crisis that gradually erodes and destroys everything we have built before gives us an unprecedented opportunity for this restart. And since we have the necessary, purposeful and practical educational method, and we already have thousands of people engaging in it is positive examples, we can start our new, conscipous and purposeful human development without waiting for more and deeper phsyical suffering to push us.