The road to peace starts with self-recognition
Question from the Internet:
“If every country wants world peace, why do we still not have it? How long and how much work do you think that would take?”
Wise sages describe this state as “our mouth and heart is not in synchron”, meaning we might be saying nice things, we hear uplifting speeches about peace, unity, and brotherhood, but in our “hearts”, in our desires, we feel very differently.
We are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, subjective, and individualistic nature, and knowingly or unknowingly we all succeed, survive at the expense of others.
Our life is defined by ruthless competition, actually feeling pleasure when others lose, suffer and we overcome them as a result.
The progress towards peace starts with, first of all, recognizing our inherent nature, understanding that it is our inherent ego that stands behind all our problems until we develop a true need, desire to change ourselves in order to build different, positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation, lasting peace with each other.
Then our mouth and heart will be in synchron and we will see the results accordingly.