The right work for everybody
Question from the Internet:
“What happens when everyone stops buying? Won’t there be any jobs anymore?”
The present Human system which is built on artificially generated “aggregate demand", excessive overconsumption, will collapse whether we are to it or not.
And as you said, there will be mass unemployment on a scale we have never seen before.
We can’t continue existing in a Human bubble that is completely incompatible with Nature’s otherwise fully balanced system. This balance, the homeostasis life and optimal development depends on if governed by strict, unforgiving laws in Nature.
In our generation Humanity had reached a critical threshold in our harmful activity these laws cannot tolerate any longer. The pandemic is only the first reaction from Nature to deflate, remove the “Human cancer" from the system.
We are “nothing" compared to Nature, thus whatever we stubbornly try as long as our attempts remain incompatible with Nature’s laws and evolution’s general direction, everything we ever built will collapse like house of cards.
This leads us back to unemployment.
It is true that a very small portion of Humanity can provide all 8 billion people with their true, healthy, modern, natural necessities. But the rest won’t remain without jobs.
They will be tasked with constantly building, strengthening, reinforcing the crucially important integration within Humanity, that will ensure Humanity’s integration, compatibility with Nature.
And only through such integration, compatibility will we finally understand what our true necessities and the available resources are.
Thus this work on building, sustaining Humanity’s internal integration above and against the inherently egotistic, selfish, exploitative tendencies will be the most important work everybody will be employed at.