The right suffering to move us forward.
Question from the Internet:
“Are suffering and hardship a necessary part of the human condition in order to grow and develop resiliency?”
I think history has nicely answered your question. We indeed need suffering and hardship “to get up from our bums” and make efforts in order to improve our conditions. If everything is fine and calm, we tend to stay put and enjoy the tranquillity and lose our driving force.
We can see how the Western world — that is living relatively good, people only caring about themselves most pursuing consumption way beyond their needs — is in fast decline, going nowhere while people and nations that still have to fight for daily necessities or individual/national survival they keep growing and reinventing themselves.
Of course, we do not need to wait for physical suffering or pain to push us moving forward. We can identify positive, highly attractive future goals and purpose to pull us forward, our suffering coming from the fact that we still haven’t achieved what we wanted, fearing if we have done everything we could to reach our goal.
This is the positive suffering and fear we need to employ to collectively pull us forward toward our unique, evolutionary Human purpose in Nature — while at the same time learning and identifying what that purpose is.