The right infrastructure for the future
First of all, we would need to identify what that right, stronger infrastructure is.
In our modern societies that are based on our proud individualism, egoism, our belief that progress, strength is measured by material possessions, wealth, markets, financial institutions or “A-list status” we consider “infrastructure” something mechanical, structural.
But in closed, integral living systems — like Humanity and Nature in general — the most important infrastructure everything else is based on is the interconnections between the elements of the system — like the cells, organs of our biological body and the circulation, communication in between them.
In Humanity we ourselves are the comprising elements, so the fundamental infrastructure we need to build a society on is the mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconnections between us.
Since we would need to build those connections above and against our selfish, fiercely competitive and exploitative egos — where each wants to survive, succeed at the expense of others — we need a unique, purposeful and practical educational method. Only this way can we develop the necessary connections without coercive ideologies, without misleading brainwashing, using positive motivation, drawing people towards unity willingly, using their free choice.