The right foundations of future Human society
Question from the Internet:
“Does a society without mutually beneficial rules and laws result in mutually assured destruction?”
This is something we do not even have to talk about any longer — we can see it for ourselves wherever we look in the world.
The problem is that all of our laws, ideologies, philosophers, religions and the system we organize are based on our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and individualistic nature. Even when we are talking about unity, equality, about something “mutually beneficial” we express it and mean it through our inevitably egocentric and subjective ways — each according to what benefits them.
This is why human history is a helplessly recurring chain of vicious cycles, and this is why our present civilization is stumbling from crisis to crisis, approaching that mutually assured destruction, extermination event that can happen within this or in the next generation unless we radically change something.
And instead of blaming others, instead of trying to correct, reprimand, censor or destroy others — weeding out the “rotten apples” in society which is so popular right now — we all need to look at ourselves, look into a brutally honest mirror to start to recognize and accept that destructive inherent nature which works in all of us and then start changing and further developing ourselves.
We can build a society that is based on truly mutually beneficial rules and laws only when those rules and laws are not the product of our inherent mind and logic, but are based on nature’s absolute laws that sustain the crucially important general balance and homeostasis life depends on.
We have to learn, feel and accept that we are all but individual cells in a single, fully integrated and interdependent “human super-organism” which is also an integral part of Nature’s integral system.
The fact that we have to achieve this and build a “Nature-like” human society helps us to become “truly Human”: becoming similar to Nature consciously and by our own efforts above and against our inherent nature.
This is the very reason why evolution created us with such a destructive original “software” and consciousness, so we could willingly and with full awareness change and further develop ourselves until we become Nature’s only fully conscious, seamlessly integrated and at the same time independent “internal observers” and equal partners.
Thus this building a better, safer, more peaceful and sustainable human society is not only about safeguarding our physical survival.
Through such mutual integration, we can fulfil our unique evolutionary Human role and purpose in Nature and we can rise to a qualitatively much higher, collective Human existence with a new collective consciousness and perception of reality that is unrestricted by any of our egocentric and subjective limitations of time, space and motion.