The purposeful, practical method of evolutionary Human upgrade

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readMay 14, 2020


It’s difficult to come to terms with our “inbuilt ego”

In our generation more and more people understand that behind our recurring, historic failure in building stable, sustainable Human systems regardless of the ideologies, governing, economic, social systems we use is due to our inherently selfish, individualistic, subjective egos.

Still it is very difficult to accept, feel that this ego is in all of us, that we would all need to go through wholesome changes in order to change, control our fate towards a better future.

So it is very important we learn about ourselves and reveal the forces, desires, intentions that truly drive all of us in “safe, controlled” conditions, when we can also immediately learn what to do with them.

Born egotistic — according to the plan of evolution

A great, empirical, natural scientist — well versed in Human nature — about 100 years ago wrote an important article called, “The Freedom”, describing how the “final Human product” is comprised of 4 layers: genetic inheritance, upbringing, education and finally the actual environmental, social influence.

From that we can see that after late teenage years the only real factor that can change a Human being is the environment, social influence.

As mentioned above — though it is difficult to accept — even on the genetic level we are programmed to be primarily selfish, individualistic, moreso than animals.

This is purposeful from evolution as this gives us in one hand independence from Nature, a necessary “outsider” viewpoint, while also gives us free choose to complete our development, upgrade ourselves towards conscious integration with Nature, making the ego a necessary, positive, crucial part in us as soon as we learn how to use it.

The proof for the genetically egotistic Human being is Human history, if we look back to any civilization, society in any time in Human history, we would find the same selfish, egotistic traits destroying, corrupting all the best ideas, philosophies, attempts turning everything to profit and weapons.

But again it was necessary so we could prove to ourselves that living by the ego is self-destructive until we reach the conscious decision to change ourselves - through the right education.

Unique, truly Human education

This education, or upbringing is very unique, as it is designed to change our complete operating software, give us a unique upgrade that can turn an inherently self-centered, self-serving, self-justifying, instinctive being to a consciously selfless, altruistic, collective being while the original nature is not destroyed, but it is balanced.

The “final Human being” is a creature of duality, holding two reins in its hands, balancing, controlling the inherent ego - the engine of growth, development, progress - with Nature’s balancing, altruistic, evolutionary force that drives the whole system - including Humanity - towards most optimal integration.

Such an unprecedented, fundamental change, upgrade can’t be achieved in large masses of people all at once, and not everybody is ready for it.

And since the changes have to be made only on those who are ready, willing without any coercion, misleading trickery, propaganda, the “upgrade” is done in initially small “cells”, in unique “laboratory-like” conditions, all participants committing themselves to the program and mutually, purposefully supporting, complementing each other.

These small “laboratories” are comprised of up to ten, fifteen people- regardless of age, gender, nationality, education, social status, religion — who follow a very specific, purposeful and practical method through different, mutual activities, exercises.

Learning how to connect — with the help of Nature’s evolution

The main problem is how people connect to each other, thus the axis of the educational method is building the right, selfless, altruistic connections between people above and against the gradually revealed “provoked” ego which starts to resist, obstruct the process.

Most importantly the method can harness, purposefully use Nature’s “omnipresent” evolutionary force by aligning Human development to evolution’s plan, this using this force - which drives the whole natural system anyway in a methodical, complementary way.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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