The power of intention
Question from the Internet:
“How does the disposition of the human mind affect their interaction with the external world?”
We could translate “disposition of the human mind” to the notion of intention. And then we can conclude that our intention determines 100% of our interaction with the external world.
We are mostly unaware of this, as even about our own true intentions we usually have no idea about.
But this is not complicated. As a result of our 100% self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and egocentric inner program, all our intentions — knowingly, unknowingly are only about ourselves. All our automatic calculations are based on a totally subjective and egocentric “pleasure/pain” software, constantly drawing ourselves closer to anticipated, higher, greater pleasures, while constantly removing our self from actual or anticipated pain, suffering.
This is why are not aware of our intentions since we do not even know any other intention but our automatic self-love, self-service. It is not our fault, this is not a sin, this is how we are born, we had no choice about it.
ON the other hand as a result of our individual and collective failures, after the experiences of our recurring, vicious historic cycles we are now recognizing that this inherent program, our automatically subjective, selfish intentions are harmful, they have become self-destructive especially since we evolved into today’s globally integrated and interdependent world.
Our original program makes us behave like cancer, as we inevitably act, succeed and survive at each other’s expense.
So the time has come to consciously, proactively, methodically change our intention, the original disposition of our human mind. We have to learn, “borrow” from nature’s perfectly balanced system its selfless, altruistic intention which is about creating and sustaining life while developing the whole system towards a most optimal, final integration, existence.
Then between our original disposition and the disposition we learn from Nature we finally would fulfill our unique Human potential in Nature, becoming fully conscious of Nature’s life-creating perfection in contrast to our originally destructive, deadly intention.
Then we will also learn, understand that everything is determined by the intention, as actions are simply secondary.