The perfect Human being from the viewpoint of society
Question from the Internet:
“What is the perfect person like according to society?”
In order to answer this question we need to understand how Human society is — supposed to be — built.
While from our own, inherently egocentric, individualistic, subjective point of view each person considers oneself independent, separate, with complete freedom to choose and act, from Nature’s point of view Humanity is a single, completely integrated entity, like a single organ in Nature’s body.
Thus from Nature’s point point of view — and that is the true reality, not our egocentric, subjective illusion we think we exist in — we are all individual cells that are supposed to form a perfectly balanced, harmonious living organism.
As a result a perfect Human being from the viewpoint of society (meaning a corrected society that is built on Nature’s template) is like a healthy cell in the body, which performs its most optimal cogwheel role towards the whole collective, while receiving everything, whatever the cell needs for its perfect function.
And while we have to achieve this above and against our inherent nature, fortunately we have the suitable, purposeful and highly practical educational method necessary.
And the fact that we have to consciously, methodically build a healthy “multi-cellular" Human “super-organism" despite being born as “cancer-cells" provides us with a very special, unparalleled duality and unique Human consciousness.
This will make us able to enjoy, witness and justify Nature’s perfection (after the achieved integration) against the contrast of our original egocentric, subjective view!