The past could help us in building peace for the future
Question from the Internet:
“Why can’t humans forget the past and work towards in total totality for world peace?”
The collective experiences of the past — understanding the root cause for the helplessly recurring, vicious historic cycles — should help us in our pursuit for world peace.
Actually only by recognizing the root cause behind our past — a constant changing of conflicts and wars temporarily interrupted by failed peace treaties and ceasefires — can we learn how to build peace.
Only when we all understand and accept that it is our inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic and nationalistic nature — which drives us towards ruthless, exclusive competition, to accumulate resources and profit only for ourselves, to succeed and survive at the expense of others — that is behind all the conflicts and wars can we start the necessary changes.
When we all recognized and accepted that it is our own inherent nature that prevents peace, then we can start learning how to accept each other, how to build sustainable, positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation above and against our instinctive nature and despite everything that inherently separates and rejects individuals and nations from each other.